This new heater is the most efficient heater on the market and the ideal solution for heating ultra pure water.
Tech in食品级离心式泵
TECNICAPOMPE is an Italian manufacturer of stainless steel sanitary pumps for the Food, Beverage,
Pharmaceutical, Chemical and Aquaculture industries. Their product range includes many different
types of centrifugal and self-priming pumps, pumping units and accessories. TECNICAPOMPE's products
are a perfect combination of handicraft quality and innovative technology as well as being extremely
flexible in finding solutions, for its customers, that are "AD HOC", efficient and of a superior quality.
联系电话 : 021-6859-5188 | 传真号码 : 021-6859-5125
地址 : 上海市浦东新区民生路600号707室(船研大厦) | 邮编 : 200135
备案序号:沪ICP备19024681号-1 | 标识编号:20120330115456352